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Phonics 英語拼音: Good videos to learn Phonics 學英語拼音的好短片

從兒子的學校得知這些學英語拼音的好短片,希望和大家分享,幫助小孩學好英語。 I Learned about these good videos from my son's school. They are quite fun for kids to learn about phonics. So I want to share here for kids' happy learning. Short vowels video: What sounds do a,e,i,o,u make? Alphablocks CVC episode: https://safeshare.tv/x/ss5e4f28d35d4d7# 如有興趣看更森綠一家在其他地方的旅遊誌,請到 http://travel.sumlook.com 我也有寫Blog介紹兒童圖書,有興趣可到這網址: http://kidsbooks.sumlook.com 如想得知森綠媽媽最新的童書推介,請到可以到以下的臉書link和like😊😊 https://m.facebook.com/SumlookKidsBooks/